Wednesday, 12 March 2008

200 year old Cornish cookbook and spray paint.

Wow, good news a friend of a friend, has a friend who has a 200 year old cookbook. Apparently it’s a tome of a book and they are going to email over a few scanned pics of it. Definitely worth a visit to Cornwall me thinks to try 200 year old recipes in the comfort of old Ruby the van. What did they eat then? I wonder who wrote it? Can I find the ingredients locally? Exciting stuff.
Today I've been spray painting the fitted cupboards in old Ruby. I now wish that I hadn't started spray painting them after getting half way through and developing an assortment spray paint related blisters on my fingers...I thought I had it sussed by using my thumb instead but..well you can guess the rest.
I've started fitting the carpet (recycled from next door-thanks Adrian) but had to stop when realised I could no longer see the extra sharp pointy knife I was using. Still it looks good by the light of the orange street lamp outside. Albeit dark and orangey.
It's quite a lot of fun working in the van in a gale..I hope Ruby doesn't get blown over. I think that even with my new spray paint fumes induced strength I couldn't get her up again. Wish I'd used an eco friendly paint now:(
Ahhhh off to have a well earned yarrow tea. Nice to see the little fronds back in the garden.

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