Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Moroccan style burgers

Moorish burgers with a twist.

4 cups bread crumbs
2 cups chickpea flour
1 medium sized onion finely chopped
1/2 cup rice flour
Ground cumin.
Ground Coriander
1 bulb garlic (squashed and finely chopped)
1 tablespoon parsley
1 handful fresh mint
4 eggs
500g Lamb mince

Mix the chickpea flour, onion, rice flour, cumin, coriander, garlic, parsley, and mint together with 100 ml cold water. Stir well and leave for five minutes.
Add to the raw 500g Lamb mince and mix. Add the breadcrumbs and mix. I like to use my hands for this. Beat up the 4 eggs and add them to the mixture making sure they are well mixed in. The beaten eggs bind the mixture together. Leave for 10 minutes then form into burgers using your hands and drop into a hot frying pan. Brown on both sides then turn the temperature down to half way (number 3 on my electric hob) and allow to cook through. Serve with yoghurt, warm pittas and a salad.


firefoodie said...

I like it. Will have to try them cooked over charcoal. ps if you take the second 'a' out of Moroccaan (accident, I know) you will be rated on Google searches. firefoodie

firefoodie said...

sorry... I mean 'better' rated.

Jade said...

Thanks for the top tip....the 'a' has been extracted! Jade