Tuesday, 25 March 2008

No longer a hostage and disapointing pine nuts

Well, I went round to the Auto electrics today with the heavy’s (Jason) to demand Old Ruby back. Initially I was concerned, there was a big brute of a German Sheppard making himself known. After the overzealous hard working furry brute had been silenced with a hard look from the owner, I questioned why Ruby had been held hostage over the weekend and why hadn't I received the call they promised me? Wasn't I surprised when they were helpful and considerate and said they would have the job done by 2pm tomorrow. They were repentant that they hadn’t rung me but there had been a personal emergency. I toed the floor a bit and asked some, what I thought were knowledgeable electrical questions, then left, feeling like there had been a bit of an anticlimax to this whole hostage situation. I was expecting inept sparkies with feeble excuses and a bit of a battle and I got an auto electrician with a damned decent excuse and very professional manner.

Then with a view to getting Ruby sorted out once and for all we headed over to the garage where we were met by a large grey and white dog with a dubious curly haircut. Who runs these establishments? People or extraordinarily large woofers? Anyway they are taking Ruby in after the Auto electrics have finished with her tomorrow and will fit new panels to the rusty bottom of her side doors, replace the door seals and give her a service. I think Ruby is a little like a glamorous old lady who visits the doctor and health spa for regular health checks and pampering and isn't above having a little 'work' done.

I found a pine tree; I checked the pine nuts were probably edible on (www.pfaf.org). I heated the pinecone to release the nuts and found them to be....minuscule. They tasted mildly of burnt paper. Bit of a letdown to be honest. I think I'll look for more substantial pine cones in the future...or eat some burnt paper!


Anonymous said...

Did you try puppy dog eyes with the auto electric man? He may have offered a discount. You never know...


Jade said...

He was great and gave me loads of tips. The details for those who want to use him are:
P.W Auto electrical
01494 793838

Anonymous said...

Electrics aside, you shouldn't worry too much about your camper van. At Sarum airfield there's an SE5a club.. they fly 7/8th scale replica SE5a biplanes ( British World War 1 fighters)....powered by VW camper van engines! If they can take one of them up into the sky to re-enact various grim and thrilling aspects of the air war over the Western Front in 1917, I'm pretty sure one will get you around on the ground for a few weeks without too much trouble :)